Letter from the President

A person's choice of outdoor gear, especially that of hunters and fishermen, is a source of personal pride and satisfaction. That doesn't mean you must have the most expensive gun, rod, knife, boots, or whatever, but the gun should be clean, well maintained, and accurate. Your knife should shave, and hopefully the boots will be well broken-in before tackling a major extended hunt. As outfitters in Alaska, we have guided hunters and fishermen into the Alaskan bush for years. One fact is - and has always been -  each man's gear is going to play a major role in determining his success, comfort, and enjoyment.

At Knives of Alaska, we understand what it means to rely on your gear. We've never lost sight of the fact that the knife of a dedicated hunter, fisherman or outdoorsman has two important aspects. First, and most important, it is a precision tool that must perform the task at hand efficiently, safely, and reliably time after time, year after year. Second, a man's knife is an investment and one of his personal objects of pride. It is a measuring stick among his peers.

We make award-winning outdoorsman's knives that are used and respected by some of the best professional guides and outfitters, hunters, and other outdoorsmen in Alaska, and across the globe. To say that our knives are field-tested is an understatement. We carry them across Southeast Alaska's glacier fields, through swamps, across tundra, and in the mountains, using them in all manner of chores. If something doesn't work, it gets corrected or eliminated in a hurry!

All of our knives, from our new line of folders to our award winning cleavers, our hatchets, combination sets, and fixed blade hunters, are quality outdoor cutlery for the self-reliant outdoorsman who demands the very best in his gear. It doesn't matter if you're hunting whitetails in a local woodlot or after a big Alaskan brown bear, your gear will still be one of the things that sets you apart and makes the hunt more enjoyable. Our promise to you is that our lifetime guaranteed knives are made to exacting quality standards that will ensure satisfaction and pride of ownership. They work for us in the harsh field conditions of bush Alaska-and they will work for you, time after time, year after year-wherever you hunt or fish.

Thank you for your confidence in our products. Enjoy the great outdoors and be sure to take a youngster hunting and fishing with you.

Charles Allen,

President and Owner

What They're Saying
I am awed by your knives and use the Cub Bear for the majority of my skinning work. I have skinned and dressed 6 deer and 3 large hogs with this knife and still have not sharpened it. The first time I pulled it out at camp for a hog everyone thought it was funny but changed their mind pretty fast when they saw it in action. When I finished the second hog without sharpening they were very impressed. Thanks for great equipment. You have outdone yourself in design and quality.

– Mike McPherson
I got hit with a stroke that took the right side of my body away, this left me with my left hand to do everything, including eat. This knive has solved a problem for me. It's of the right configuration and it's sharpe. It's got a great way to carry it too.
– Anonymous
Spring is here, snow is melting, time to explore. I find, sticking out of a snow bank, a Jaeger sure grip from Knives of Alaska. Ok who is Knives of Alaska? After the fall and winter in rain and snow that is on the ground approximately 7 months in abusive elements?..WOW! It is still EXTREMELY sharp! That is very impressive folks! Never heard of you before, but I'll be sure to be looking your way for my next knife!
– Doyle Swearingen
Thank you so much for the quick response and repair of my knife. I got it back and it is as good as new. Now days it is very refreshing to get service like this. Knives Of Alaska are the best.

– Anonymous
"Knives of Alaska is truly concerned with complete customer satisfaction. which is so hard to find this day and time."
– Don Wilcox